Prepare Your Home For A Fast Sale


Has your family outgrown your house and you need a bigger place? Maybe you're an empty-nester who needs to downgrade.  You may be thinking, "it's time to sell my home". However, you just do not want to deal with the hassle of having your house on the market for months, strangers trudging through your house every weekend, and being inconvenienced for months on end while waiting for an offer. The good news is there are things you can do to prepare your home which will allow it to sell quickly. You will then be able to move on with your life that much sooner.

Make your home shine brightly

You want your home to make a good impression on buyers. Your home will show a lot better if it is spotless. Make sure the house is scrubbed clean from top to bottom. Before showings, open all the curtains to let the natural sunlight in. It is also important to make your home smell good. A nice finishing touch is to place fresh flowers on the tables. You will be surprised at how appealing this is to a buyer.

Depersonalize and remove clutter

You may treasure those family photos and mementos, but when trying to sell your house, it is best to put them away. When someone is looking at a home, it is easier for them to picture their belongings in the home if you remove all personal items. It can also be hard for buyers to picture the home being theirs when there is a lot of clutter. Your home and storage spaces will also look a lot bigger when there is less stuff. It is a good time to throw away or donate items you no longer want. For the items you want to hold on to, you can pack them up and put them in a temporary storage facility.

Price your home right

The most important thing you can do to ensure a quick home sale is price your home right. If you overprice your home, it simply won't sell. Some homeowners make the mistake of pricing the home at a higher price than what is it worth, thinking that they will leave room for negotiation. Actually, when you price a home over the market value, you take your home out of the running. You will have the most interest in your home during the first few weeks. If you price it too high and then need to reduce it later, you will lose a lot of those interested buyers.


15 January 2020

Keeping It Real With Real Estate

When you decide you want to sell your home or buy a new one, you will need to hire a real estate agent to represent you. A good agent will do most of the legwork as far pricing the home, creating a listing, and advertising the home goes. However, you will need to work beside them and make decisions along the way. We've created this website to give the average home seller or buyer a little more insight into the world of real estate. Learn how to find a good agent, help them do a better job for you, and navigate the sale process in the articles presented on our pages.