Insights To Help You Buy A New Construction Home


The process to search for a home that fits your needs can be time-consuming. But a new construction home can provide you with options to have the home built how you want it. Here are some recommendations to help you go through the process of buying a new construction home. Research the Financing One major part of the home buying process is getting the financing set up and yourself approved for the right mortgage terms.

21 May 2021

How Your Realtor Should Be Helping With Buying A Home


A realtor plays a very crucial part in helping you find your next home. That's why it's important that your realtor is doing the following 4 things to make the entire process easier. Find Homes Outside Your Comfort Zone When you do a search for real estate online on your own, you are likely searching within a very specific price range and area. This can cause your searches to be quite limited, where you're seeing the same homes every time unless something new pops up that is recently listed.

16 March 2021

Using A Skilled Real Estate Agent To Buy A Condo If You've Retired


As you near retirement, you may decide that you no longer want to live in your current home. If your children have moved out and most of the rooms in your home are empty, you may have no reason to remain there. Instead, you may prefer to move somewhere that is more conducive to retirement. You also may prefer to move to a place that has more agreeable weather and better scenery for retirees.

21 January 2021

Have Family Members With Plant Allergies? Find An Ideal Home To Buy


After living in a rental for a while, you may decide that you want to purchase a house where you can raise your children through adulthood. While you may intend on coming up with a long list of wants and needs to make sure your family is happy, you should also know what to prioritize. If you have family members with plant allergies, you will want to take certain details into consideration and prioritize specific features that can alleviate the concerns of allergy symptoms.

20 January 2021

How to Use a Home-Viewing Checklist When Buying a House


Viewing homes for sale is one of the first steps you must take when shopping for a house to buy. If you are new to the home-buying process, you might have questions about what to look for during these viewings. You can learn more about what to view in homes by using a home-viewing checklist. Here are several things to understand about home-viewing checklists. You Can Print One or Make One

12 January 2021

How Is A Mortgage Broker Different Than Your Local Bank?


If you're currently shopping around for a home, your real estate agent will likely let you know that you should be looking into mortgage lenders as well. While you can go to your local bank that offers home mortgages, you should consider using a mortgage broker instead. There are a few ways that a broker is different from going directly to a local lender that you should be aware of.

28 December 2020

Questions to Ask When Hiring a Seller's Agent


In real estate, you will see two types of agents. The first is a buyer's agent, and the second is a seller's agent. If you want to buy a house, choose a buyer's agent. If you want to sell your house, you should choose a seller's agent. When selecting a seller's agent, you might want to ask some questions. Asking questions can help you understand the selling process and pick the right agent.

25 November 2020

1031 Exchange In A Nutshell


For property investors, it's important to understand the language of the capital gains tax law as well as the 1031 exchange provision that helps you defer your capital gains tax on an investment property sale. If you're thinking about selling a property and have plans to ultimately purchase another property to replace it, you should consider a 1031 exchange instead of just completing the sale, taking the proceeds, and purchasing another property when you're ready.

6 November 2020

Common Misconceptions About Hiring A Real Estate Agent


Most people only buy or sell a home a few times in their lives. As such, most people only hire a real estate agent a few times in their lives. Perhaps this is why there are so many false myths and misconceptions about real estate agents and why these misconceptions seem to be so prevalent. If you will be house hunting and hiring an agent in the near future, you deserve to know the truth — so here it is!

23 October 2020

Want To Buy The Ideal Home On A Budget? 3 Tips For Comparing Listings


Purchasing the perfect home can take a bit more work when you're trying to stay under a specific amount of money. Instead of being frustrated by your budget limiting all the homes available to you, it's a good idea to see what can be done to have an easier time looking at listings. With the right work spent on comparing listings, you can feel a lot better about the homes you're checking out and finding somewhere that will be the right match.

12 October 2020